Monday, May 14, 2012

Stash Alert

Well, I have not done a lot craft wise.  It has not been the best week health wise and I am shattered but I did finally pick up needles yesterday.
This is where I am with the Papillion SAL.  I don't know about lazy daisies, I feel mine are more lazy chrysantheums rofl.

 I admit I am struggling a little with this as I have no sewing experience really but I will persevere. I am finding the design a little busy so on future releases I might just add the bits I like, and of course the speciality stitches which is the whole point of it after all.

Feeling the need to work on my WIPocolypse list I decided to move to move some of my BAPs to smaller frames. I was finding it so difficult working on the large ones.  It seems to be working out well.  I re-started my poor UFO, Feathered freinds...this is where it was left and I will show an update on where I get to on WIPopoclypse day.

My new stash has finally all arrived..and I have bought some charts quite different to what I usually do, all inspired by you guys.

They are Farms of Hawk Run Hollow (cannot believe how expensive this chart was lol), JBWs Antique Christmas Trees, Mother's Garden by Blackbird Designs and 1797 Ship Sampler by Carriage House Samplings.  I did get fabric for these but just cannot afford the speciality threads needed..I may have some but not all.  DMC it will have to be and I am sure it will still look fine.

Like I said I do have the fabric but the colour, especially of the Carriage House Samplings Ship Sampler looks very different to the picture on the front.  When I get the threads out I will have a play and might actually move it to a different fabric.

The only dilemma I have left is which to start first???
I really want to do the ship one because it reminds me of Norfolk which is where we are going in a few weeks time (as long as the blooming passports turn up!)...I also like the Blackbird Sampler as I love the song of Blackbirds.  They remind me of my childhood and because we have had such a mild winter, we hear so many blackbirds now.  They remind me it is great to be alive and after my health issues, it would be great to get my initials and those of my children on something which will keep my memory alive.

Hawk Run Hollow Farms however, just looks fun and is a brand new style for me.

Oh the dilemma...
What would you do???


  1. Lovely WIP progress, I love the Papillion SAL...great stash too xx

  2. I would start the Ship one. There is something summery about it.
    All the stash is lovely. Your Papillion SAL looks great, beautiful colors.
    I hope that you are feeling better soon and that this is a better week!

  3. I like the ship, too, but why not start with Mother's Garden when you are so proud of your tunnel? Actually all the charts are lovely.
    I love your Papillion SAl, your colour choice is the best I've seen yet.
    Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well recently but I'm sure you are doing great, considering what you have been through. Hope you'll feel better soon.

  4. I'm no help. LOL I can't decide which of my own WIPs to work on. Love the progress you've shown though. Hope you feel better!

  5. Nice to see Feathered Friends out again, I shall look forward to seeing your progress when the time comes. You've made a great start to the Papillion SAL

  6. Love your Papillion SAL and your stash good luck choosing which to start first.

  7. To be very honest, I would start all of them and than decide which one yells the loudest to be worked on.


  8. PAP SAL is looking great and well done on the speciality stitches.

    The Hawks looks fine using DMC, thats what i am using for mine, no way could i afford the silks.

    I vote the Norfolk inspired one, then it will always remind you of your trip, and you could even take it with you to add a stitch or two to make it even more special.

    much love and (hugs) hope this week is better for you xx

  9. Your stitches and stash all look so lovely!


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