Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Very Fertile May Day Edited...

Happy May Day.

What is it with blogger??? Why all of a sudden do I need to click a box to allow people to comment.  Grrrrrrrrr.

I used to love May Day.  At school in Higher Broughton (Salford) we would prepare for May Day by learning sequenced dances around the May Pole.  As we danced and twisted and twirled, the ribbons would end up forming a layer around the pole, making a beautiful pattern.  The patterns altered according to the dance we did.  It was a lovely break from spellings and times tables.  Unfortunately I don't think schools do this any more.  Like St. George's day, it is a lost tradition.  Why should it disappear?  Probably because the May Pole is a symbol of fertility and is meant to be a giant willy lol...but you don't think about that when you are only 7 years old and it is still a shame that it is no longer done, fertility rite or not!

 And talking of fertility. Here is mummy hen with five of her six chicks.

Hens lose all their feathers on their tummies when they go broody. This allows body heat to escape and keep the eggs, and later on the chicks, warm.  The chicks hide under her feathers and actually climb up under her wings to ensure there is room for all.
I have a wee bantam on eggs as well and another Buff Orpington has stolen eggs from egg boxes next to her and is sitting on them as we speak.  I will need to move her as hens are beggers for swapping eggs and stealing them to sit on.  We need to make sure they all hatch within 48 hours so we need to know when the hens start to sit.

 And yet more fertility: my beautiful poly tunnel.

 This is my salad bed: the toilet rolls lying on the floor are used for planting peas and beans.  They mean I can get nice long roots and I just plant the whole roll when the seedlings are big enough.  They just decompose and the peas and beans don't get their roots disturbed on planting.

I love my poly tunnel soooooo much.  I have more shelves to go in and I have worked out that if I put tomato plants in upturned veggie planters which have just been cut in half, they get the support they need: I make more use of the space I have and they get everything they need from the bag.

When I started watering the geese popped over for a spray.  Blooming things.  Hubby has trained them to knock on the door for snacks and to go into his pocket for tit bits.  I hear a knock and go and answer the door to three geese!  And when they realise it is me and not my husband I get hissed at for my trouble!

I have started the Papillion Speciality Stitch Along...I have decided to save the beads until last when it is all finished.  I am using Rose Jazlynn which is lovely to stitch on.  My camera has not really shown it to its best, but nothing new there!

I have a dilemma.  I have finished making everything I am going to make for my Colour Challenge and all my WIPs are quite big: the Papillion Sal, Feathered Friends and Peaceful Garden are all huge and I am struggling to do them.  I am finally healing after the surgery but get quite sore quickly.  So...what to stitch now?????

I have had a good read of your blogs and there are lots of inspirational ideas out there but I don't know what to do.  I guess I will just have to get everything out and see what I fancy!

Have a good week everyone, and thank you for popping over.  Your comments are much appreciated and your blogs are inspirational xxx


  1. Great start on the heart. I got a good chuckle about the geese story. That is so cute.


  2. Lots of exciting things growing in the polytunnel, we save loo roll middles too and kitchen roll ones that can be cut in half, so does the rest of the wider family - really does make a difference not disturbing the roots doesn't it.

    Cute chicky babes.

    Great start on the PAP SAL

    Happy stitching!

  3. What a fun post. I love the hen and chicks photo. And your story about the geese. Too funny.

    Nice start on your heart. I thought about starting that, but I am already spread too thin. Look forward to seeing more of yours.

    Be well.



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