
Friday, August 18, 2017

Gifted Gorgeous August

It's been a while, hasn't it.

Apologies.  I went away for a few days around the West of Ireland with hubby and then when I got home there was lots and lots of 'real life' to deal with.  I won't go into it here but trust me: it is not only a good excuse for not blogging, it would also justify me diving into the morphine pot.  I wouldn't though.  And I didn't, tempting though it was.

Then this week, I had a little visitor. My beautiful granddaughter came with my stunning daughter.  I really love my granddaughter. I'm sure she's the reason I'm still here.

Right, enough real life and onwards and upwards with crafting and gifted gorgeousness as hosted by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching! I'm sure you all know how it goes now: we get to post about anything gifted to us, or anything we gift to others. Today I'm going with the 'gifted to others' option.

I have two wizards to give you for the FREE Stitchers Anon Halloween SAL, 'A Worry of Wizards!'

Each wizard's chart comes with a few lines about them so you can get to know the kind of personality they are.  I'm afraid I can't put too much about them because frankly, they are pains in the ass. Wizards are a completely different kettle of fish compared to witches. In fact, they are a right nightmare to work with.  They seem to demand so much more!

I will put the links to the charts on my Free Chart page (see above on the top bar).

Wizard One; Draco Flamelove

 Wizard 2 - Grumpus Winglore

There's been lots of hospital visits blah de blah de blah so not much to show in the stitching manner but I've been crocheting.  The cupcake blanket is coming on beautifully though I don't fancy having to deal with all those loose ends!

I've also started a little boy's blanket for the Mayo Roscommon Hospice fundraiser

And finally, look who got a design mentioned in the World of Cross Stitch magazine!!  Yay, me.  I just wish I was well enough to design more!  Never mind.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and I'll pop back soon!


  1. Thanks for taking part in GG with your wonderful gifts for everyone! I love the wizards and the way each one is being named by people within the group. Such a good idea.

  2. Thank you so kindly for your free patterns! I love the owl in the newest one you gave us. Your cupcake and little boy blankets are gorgeous and so beautifully crocheted! How exciting to have visitors, enjoy every minute!! I'm so sorry for whatever life events have kept you from blogging. Here's hoping things get better for you soon! *Hugs*

  3. The cupcake blanket is so pretty.
    Wizardy whizz....they are fun - shame i'm not stitching at the moment, a bit of knitting is easier to concentrate on.
    A granddaughters love and {cuddle} is the best medicine there is. Mine will be here for the day tomorrow to top up my love tank.
    {{biggest cuddle to you}} xxx

  4. Oh my, what a wonderful gift these wizards are. I particularly love the one with he owl. Thank you so much. And congratulations that one of your designs is being featured in the WOCS magazine.

  5. Always nice to have visits, especially from grandchildren I'm sure.
    Oh wow, the wizards look great! And yay you for being in WOCS.
    I love your cupcake blanket, so adorable.

  6. I really like your wizards, thank you for releasing them! And your crochet is lovely as well.

  7. Your stitching and crochet looks both wonderful. Condratulations on your publication in WOCS!


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