
Saturday, January 14, 2017

Can I Be a Hare?

I have lots of craftiness to show you but..yes there is a but...I'm just back from the UK where I ended up doing too much, going too far and then I had to spend my rest day at the A and E hospital with a loved one who was really poorly.  I'm pleased I was there so I could help but boy am I I'll post them all in a few days.

Guess what is available on pre order right now????

Can you believe it?

It's taken a LOT of work.

My chemo brain meant the story in my head struggled to get out as I saw it. At one stage, I seem to have completely forgot the existence of the comma!

Paula was wonderful, gently pointing these out so it's had a lot of re-writes as each time she suggested I had boobed, it inspired extra words but hopefully of a better standard.

Paula had a lot more artwork to do because it's a longer story. It's to die for though. She has created a complete world, safe and free for Holmsey and Fergus to be happy in. Pure genius and I could sit and look at the pictures all day long.

This book is for an older reading age but any child, whatever their age, will enjoy having it read to them. It was written for such a purpose. To share and enjoy.

I'm really proud of this story. The first was an introduction to Holmsey and Fergus for my granddaughter....this is more story. It offers an incite into the real characters of Fergus and Holmsey. I really, really hope you will like it.

I'll be issuing 100 first edition certificates and they are what are holding up the release a little. I keep trying to get Fergus to keep still to get his autograph but he is just soooo excited! To him, it's like having his hoof print set in concrete in the walk of fame! I will keep trying though and hopefully they will be at the printers on Monday!

Oh my goodness...I'm really quite nervous now. I  hope you will like it.

You can pre-order 'Can I Be a Hare?' here:

Now, where's that crochet!

Have a great weekend xxxxx


  1. Congratulations Gaynor! You are doing things you never imagined. :)

  2. Congratulations! I have your first book and have just ordered this one. Paula's illustrations really are gorgeous.

  3. Well, I tried... but... sold out!! Congrats!!

    1. It isn't sold out Maggee..its pre order so it says that it is sold out but the order will still go through xx

  4. Wonderful... they'll all be snapped up quickly. We love our first story. xxxx


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