
Thursday, November 24, 2016

I'm Thankful For....

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!  I hope you have a wonderful day!

I'm not American but it can only be good to appreciate what is wonderful in life. So here are some of the things I'm thankful for.

1.  Today is my anniversary and I'm very thankful that I met my husband on this day.

19 years ago today, I made a Thanksgiving dinner for a friend and her American 'fling' (we won't go into that!) and his friend, Steve.  Steve very bravely asked me out on a date afterwards and I said yes.  So it's today we celebrate our anniversary rather than our wedding day.  I am very, very thankful that I didn't give them food poisoning (who knew finding a turkey in Norfolk would be difficult in November?  And who knew microwaves didn't do to bad a job of defrosting the frozen one I managed to get that morning...even so I didn't eat it ;-) !!)

2.  I'm thankful for a day of stitching.....on this bad boy. 
I took the photo on my phone so it's not the best. The fabic should be more green

I'm so pleased with the squirrel and badger, oh and the fox. I've never designed them before!

3. I'm grateful that my Christmas cake challenge seems to have worked!  I've cooked lots of different cakes in my lifetime but for some reason the fruit cake hated me.  I've never been able to make one that hasn't caught or was dry.

This time round I did a few things differently..pre soaked the fruit in alcohol AND plumped them further using the cooking method. Again the photo was taken by phone camera.  Don't mind the cracks in the top...they make easy access points for feeding with alcohol! And it isn't as dark as this in real life. 

4. I'm very thankful that my chemo brain is receding and I'm getting my brain back!
Last night hubby and son were watching some dodgy action film which I simply don't like so I sat and 'doodled' with words.  What better way to spend an evening than warping a traditional Christmas poem?  Want to see?

T'was the Night Before Christmas

T’was the night before Christmas
And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, ...
Not even a mouse.

Except for Tiddles the cat,
Who needed a treat.
Something far nicer,
Than his usual tinned meat!

Tiddles crept through the house
On tippity toes.
Until he found
A little mouse hole.

Where deep, deep, inside,
As warm as you please,
Our little mouse slept
Dreaming of cheese.

The cat quietly sat,
As still as he could,
Patiently waiting
As any cat would....

For the sweet little mouse,
To wake from his doze,
And peek from his hole,
With his twitchity nose!

Which eventually he did,
Because finally awake,
He found he was hungry,
And fancied some cake.

Unaware that the cat
Was waiting to pounce,
And have his treat,
A meal of mouse!

T’was the night before Christmas,
When all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring,
Especially the mouse!

by me!

Yay!  I have words back!

I'm going to collect all my silly rhymes and put them in a book for my granddaughter. 
For when she is older of course; I made up all sorts for my children and it would be nice to have them all together.  And I don't care what anyone says: poems about breaking wind are always funny for kids!

I even go the next witch story out for .The Coven of the is wonderful having my words back!

Right, stitching to do!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and lots of crafty time!


  1. Thank you for the warm wishes. For me, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. No pressure, no stress, counting your blessing, time with friends and family, oh and good food. I love your words! I could just substitute "Buddy" the cat and it could be my House! Enjoy your day whatever you do!

  2. Glad to hear your chemo brain is lessening and you are finding your words again! Happy anniversary to you and your husband. Enjoy your day.

  3. A lovely post for today. Today, i had good news, I'm thankful that my daughters recent scan came back with a benign diagnosis. xxx

    1. I'm never sure if you see what I put here..I'm so pleased your daughter's results were good. I hate having this disease but I would hate my kids having it so much more. Great news for you both!

  4. Love the latest poem, you really must write them all down, maybe record yourself saying them too. You could be the new Pam Ayres!
    The badger and fox look great too.

    1. Thank you xxx I think I'm generally ruder than Pam is teehee

  5. Glad the cake worked, it looks delicious :)

    1. Thank you. It smells really good to! Tho that could just be the brandy ;-)

  6. Happy Anniversary! That is a wonderful cake and a great poem! ;)

  7. So glad your words are returning, Gaynor! We all have things to be thankful for no matter what is going on in our lives that isn't so happy--thank you for your positivity--it is contagious :)

  8. Kiss kiss!!***** {{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}

  9. Love your latest design - those animals are full of life and character!

  10. Wonderful things to be thankful for! I love your animals, they really look great together. Your cake looks delicious, I have yet to try and make one. Oh, poor mouse!


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